
Viesa is an English code I made. I originally created it in April 2018, and I have been slowly updating it ever since. It is written with the Cyrillic alphabet and has a few grammatical modifications, like an ending you put on verbs to mark the future tense.

Виеса ба ун Англеш кида ма мукап. Ма ипеџенули краутап на ен Упрел 2018, унд ма хува ба сливли опдута на авар сенса. На ба вретан већ ђа Сирелек улфубат унд хува у фав грумутекул мидефекушеинес, лека ун анденг ја пот ин варбес ти мурк ђа фочора танса.

The Alphabet

Viesa's alphabet is based on the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. The letters and their IPA pronunciations are listed below:

Letter Pronunciation
Аа /a/
Бб /b/
Вв /v/
Гг /g/
Дд /d/
Ђђ /ð/
Ее /e/
Жж /ʒ/
Зз /z/
Ии /i/
Јј /j/
Кк /k/
Лл /l/
Мм /m/
Нн /n/
Оо /o/
Пп /p/
Рр /r/
Сс /s/
Тт /t/
Ћћ /θ/
Уу /u/
Фф /f/
Хх /h/
Чч /ʧ/
Џџ /ʤ/
Шш /ʃ/

Note that there are no double letters when writing in Viesa.

The Basics

The main rule of Viesa is that each vowel letter is shifted to the one before it. 'a' loops back to the end of the alphabet to become 'u'. Then, each word is written phonetically using the Cyrillic alphabet as previously shown. For example, the word 'phone' becomes 'фина'. First, the vowels are shifted so that it becomes 'phina'. The word is then written in Cyrillic so that it becomes 'фина'. Note that in the word 'phone', the 'ph' is pronounced /f/ and is therefore written 'ф'.

The letter 'w' always becomes /v/. 'Water' turns into 'вутар'. In addition, the letter 'y' turns into /g/ when it follows a vowel. 'Key' becomes 'каг'


The stressed vowel in a Viesa word is the stressed vowel in the original English word. If the stressed vowel is represented by a digraph that becomes two separate vowel sounds, the first of these vowels is stressed.


Viesa has a different pronoun system from English. Viesa's pronouns are shown in the table below:

Pronouns Singular Plural
First ма (I/me) ва (we/us)
Second ја (you) га (you all)
Third на (he/him/she/her/it) да (they/them)

Note that Viesa uses the same pronoun for 'he', 'she', and 'it'. There are also two pronouns for 'you' depending on whether you're referring to one person or multiple people.

Possessive pronouns are made with the genetive suffix. Reflexive pronouns are simply made by placing "салф" after the pronoun.


Viesa has a few suffixes that are placed at the end of words. These are listed below:

Tense suffixes always come before the negative suffix. (I will not sleep = Ма слапешег, not "Ма слапегеш")


Verbs become their infinitive form without 'to'. 'Is', 'am', 'are', and 'be' all just become 'ба'.

For continuous verbs (I am eating) and perfect verbs "I have ran", the verb simply becomes it's infinitive form as well. "I am eating" becomes "Ма ба аут", which literally means "I be eat".

'Be able to' simply becomes 'can'. "I am able to run" becomes "Ма кун рон", which literally means "I can run".


Questions with a yes/no answer are formed by placing the word 'Ди' (meaning 'do') at the beginning of a statement. "Are you eating?" becomes "Ди ја ба аут?" (literally: "Do you be eat"?)

Questions with an open-ended answer are formed like so: "Вут ја ба аут?" means "What are you eating?" (literally: "What you be eat"?)


Previous Versions